Monday, November 7, 2011

I think we touched some hearts

Alright email time yal,
notha week notha blessing notha situation but that’s how it goes down here in the mission. Last Tuesday was pretty fun, if the computer had compassion I would have sent you a cool picture but you guys will just have to exercise some celestial-virtue patience for next week hoping that a different computer will be more friendly. We contacted people from 2-6pm just passing out pamphlets of the Plan of Salvation and talking to people that they can see their loved ones after this life, some were really interested and some not so much but some good came out of it, I think we touched some hearts. Sunday was also eventful here; it was voting day for the new president of Guatemala, the options being Baldizon and Otto Perez. They received the news of the winner before the night was over, and Otto Perez is going to be the new president of the Republic of Guatemala, good luck pal you got a lot of work to do.

Situation with my companion is getting a bit tougher but I think it has to be like that always with new guys. I honestly love him so much but it’s one of those situations where well...not all is quite in its place yet, there’s so much more to learn on both ends I’m guessing. Santa Elena since my first time here has been an absolute refining fire for me. Since Elder S. and Elder V. to Elder M. with me as trainer and district leader.  Just a ton of things that are helping me a ton to develop much needed leadership skills and people skills, stuff that must be dang hard to learn somewhere else because it’s really tough here and this is the best time to learn.

It’s all turning Christmassy here too, at least in Wal-Mart just Xmas music and decorations and stuff, but they are the only ones so far.  As for new investigators we found an old investigator named Romulo who absolutely loves to read, he just barely finished reading completely the Book of Mormon! He also reads the pamphlets a lot and understands a ton, Elder M. was super awesome and put a baptismal date with him for the 19th of November, I think he’s getting close to being ready for baptism.

Well I’m sorry but it seems like the longer I’m here the less and less I have to write every week, but it’s all in my journal for when I get back I can remind myself of a ton of fun things for you guys. Next week I think we are going to Central Market to get some cool things we´ll see what cool junk I can find for you guys. I love you guys so much please say safe and take care, quiero que siempre sean espiritual y que hagan todos sus oraciones en la familia, requerden, siempre lean sus escrituras!
Los amo con todo me ser,
Elder Andrew James Bronson

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